So, for the past three mornings in a row I have found Venya dressed and ready in the living room before 7AM! I walk out of our bedroom in my pajamas and with the sleep still in my eyes and there he is...bright-eyed and ready to go. He even goes so far as to put his shoes on. I'm not really sure what time he actually wakes up, but I know this, he's ready and I'm....well, I'm not.
See, I'm in "summertime" mode which is really far away from "ready" mode. The only thing I'm really ready to do is sit on the couch and sip some coffee, and I'm content to do that for about 3 hours.
I have to admire him though. There is a sweetness about it, and some degree of perseverence to keep trying to get the Campbell crew going so early in the moring. I sometimes wonder if he thinks that one of these mornings I might actually get dressed and go somewhere exciting and he's afraid that if he's not ready, he'll miss it. SO, he gets dressed and he gets ready and then probably internally faces the disappointment when I once again, round the corner in my pjs and head toward the coffee pot.
Sometimes I think that I wish I could approach life "dressed and ready" and with a child-like excitement. I mean, I think about getting up early, I just don't actually do it very often and I'm pretty certain that I've never really been EXCITED about morning (with the exception of Christmas, of course). I can easily talk myself out of morning exercise. "I'll do it later," I say to myself as I roll over. I struggle...I mean really struggle...with getting up EARLY for a quiet time and think of how simple that sounds. Get up, sit in the quiet, spend time with God...I mean, there is really nothing in that that sounds hard...except for the getting up part and if step one doesn't happen, then step two doesn't either.
So, tomorrow, I might actually challenge myself to get up, to get dressed, and to get ready for the day. I'm going to try to change my attitude and try to think, "Yeah! Hello Morning!" instead of "UGGHH...morning." Maybe I'll beat him to the living room shoes and all, but Lord only knows what early hour it will be if I make it there BEFORE he does! But I think it's worth trying...I think a change in my approach to the day could be really interesting. I just might need a nap before the day is over!
Great post! I love your new background too!