Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Venya!

This past Saturday was the big birthday bash for Venya and all of the Belarussian children. I remembered from last year that while it was a little crazy having such a big group of excited kids altogether around a pool, it was also one of my favorite summer memories. I LOVE the excitement of watching them all celebrate together and of course, there is such a sweetness in singing "Happy Birthday" to this special group of kids over a cake that is decorated with the American and the Belarussian flag. They all stand there and smile before ripping open their presents. It's just a special moment that sort of hits me in the heart.
This year Venya got a Rip Stick which probably sounds like a crazy gift to give a Belarussian, but we know this kid and we know he will be "ripping it up" in Belarus. For two summers now he has enjoyed Bobby's so we know he'll find a way to skate in Belarus.
Funny story...last year I was trying to ask him what he wanted for his birthday before the big party. I thought roller blades would be good...again, the boy loves to skate and he's REALLY athletic. I used the e-translator on the computer to ask him, "Would you like skates for your birthday?" only somehow it didn't translate quite right. He later told me (after he opened the roller blades) that I asked him, "Would you like a HORSE for your birthday?" Can you imagine his thoughts? I mean, he's always appreciative and sweetly accepts whatever you give him, but a HORSE? On an airplane? For 38 hours? Back to Belarus? We laughed really hard about that one and I threatened to buy him a horse again this year!
We are having such a great time with him and the days are really ticking along. I'm trying to enjoy the few that we have left as he will be packing up and heading out on the 31st. We've really "settled in" and he's just part of the family now...yet I know that the RIGHT thing, as hard as it will be, will be to send him back to his family in Belarus...tanned, healthy, refreshed and renewed...and hopefully, with the love of the Lord in his heart.

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